The authors would like to express their sincere thanks to the following individuals and institutions, without whom this book would not have been possible. Due to the scope and length of the project it's possible that a name may have inadvertently been omitted.
To the Winton family for all their help and cooperation, especially Charlie Wake and Jim Winton, Jr. (great grandsons of Alexander Winton), Bonnie Jones and Marilyn W. Vogt (great granddaughters), Clarice Barton (daughter of Alexander Winton), and Janet Winton. To our wives, Sara Golias and Judith Saal, for their unending patience, understanding and the many kind words of encouragement. To my sister-in-Law Beth Bilek Golias for drawing the plant layouts. To Jim Vandenberg for all his help with the scanning of photos and coordinating additional production personnel to make our deadline, and the following:
Antique Automobile Club of America- library and Research Center, Kim Miller; Automotive Hall of Fame, Margaret Gifford; British Tourist Authority Gillian Edwards; Blackhawk Automobile Collection (formerly Behring Automotive Museum), Cathy Marketti; Cleveland City Hall-Building Records, Miriam Bates Lewis; Cleveland City Hall- City Planning/Landmark Division, Bob Keiser:, Don Petit; Cleveland County Recorders Office, Dan Weaver; Cleveland Fire Department Headquarters, Evellyn Scott; Cleveland Public Library, Carol Blackmon, Jean Collins, Carol Dixon, Maureen Farrell, Christine Feczhcun, David Furyes, Robin Grey, Carol Hearn, Rose Mary Hodge, Bakeri Jackson, Joseph Marshall Parnell, Mary Persensavic, Jean Z. Piety; Crawford Auto-Aviation Museum, David Holcombe; Cuyahoga County Archives, Carolyn Svetz; Cuyahoga County Courthouse- Micro Film Department, Therese Spellacy; Detroit Public Library Mark Patrick; Free Library of Philadelphia, Mr. Hilderson; Great Lakes Historical Society Martha Long; Grove City Pennsylvania Chamber of Comerce, Mary Bowlin; William F. Harrah Foundation- National Automobile Museum, Linda Huntsman, Sandy Saunders; Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village Cynthia Read Miller; Heritage Plantation of Sandwich, James A. Harwick; Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, Don Haggerty Helen Wilson; Horseless Carriage Club of America; Imperial Palace Antique Auto Collection, Hagan L. Stewart; Lakewood Historical Society Wayne Cahoon, Sandy Koozer; Lakewood Public Library Shirley Henderson; Mercer County Pennsylvania Historical Society Bob Fuhrman; Museum of Transportation, Richard T. Friedman, Dave Manzy; Northern Ohio Publishers Association, Peter Gail, Sandra Warren; Ostendorf-Morris, William J. Miele; Secretary of State of Ohio-Documents, Elana James; Alfred R Sloan Museum-National Auto Collection, Carol DeKalands; Smithsonian Institution, David Burgein, Roger White; Swigart Museum, William E. Sweet, Jr.; University of Michigan-Rare Books Division, Kathryn Beam; Western Reserve Historical Society Library Barbara Billings, George Cooper, Mike McCormick, Ann Sindelar; Winton World Wide, Roger Allison. As well as Harlan Appelquist, Timothy W Barton, Thomas Brown, William S. Casde, Mary Eckert, Christopher J. Eiben, Patricia Erwin, Dr. Richard Fithian, Robert JJ. Golias, Clarence Griese, Bill Hatchel, Elliott Kahn, Lydia Kosc, Claudia Laurenzi, Walter MacIlvain, John B. Montville, Colon Moon, James Moyer, Smith Hempstone Oliver, Irv Plagman, Susan Robb, Howard IL Schleihs, Harold Sharon, Susan Tedrick, Patricia Wake, Roger T. White, Dudley Wood.