Golias Publishing, Inc.
7271 Lonesome Pine Tr.
Medina, Ohio 44256
The Story of Alexander Winton; Automotive Pioneer and Industrialist

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The story of Alexander Winton and his innovations comes to life in this book by Thomas F. Saal and Bernard J. Golias. Winton's contributions to industry, previously unnoticed, have been brought to light in this compelling and detailed account of his life and career. The authors trace the development of Winton's machines from bicycles and highly valued marvels of automotive engineering to legendary diesel engines.
Length: 192 pages
Format: Non-Fiction
Category: Biography, Automotive History
Retail: $29.95, attractive quantity discounts
ISBN#: 0-9653785-1-9
Target Audience: Automotive Enthusiasts, Historians, and Researchers
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